Lumina’s Office is closed on Feb 17th in observance of Presidents Day. Staff are still available 24/7 for patients needs & can be reached at 541.757.9616 or 800-898-9616.

Family Caregiver Appreciation

Friday, September 6, 2019

November is National Family Caregivers Month. It is a time to celebrate family caregivers; a time to thank, support, educate and empower family caregivers. Caregiving can have harmful mental health effects for caregivers, as well as serious physical health consequences. Caregivers need a range of support services to gain caregiving skills, manage financial resources and to remain healthy themselves. This event is designed to help. Whether you are a fulltime, live-in, family caregiver or caring for someone from a distance, or anywhere in between, you are invited to join us at the 10th annual Caregiver Appreciation Day. Have lunch and camaraderie in celebration of you!

At this free event you will meet other caregivers from Linn and Benton counties, enjoy lunch and refreshments, and learn about resources. Representatives from agencies that offer support and resources for caregivers will be present to provide information and to answer questions.

The 11th annual Family Caregiver Appreciation Day will be held on November 7, 2019 from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm (doors open at 10:00 am) at Phoenix Inn, 3410 Spicer Dr. SE, Albany, Oregon.

This year’s speaker topic is “Positive Approach® to Care Techniques” presented by Shelly Edwards, MLS, Business Development Coordinator Positive Approach® to Care (PAC), PAC Certified Trainer. Edwards is an accomplished professional trainer and educator. She joined Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care team in 2018, after four years as a certified PAC Trainer. She has been a trainer for Oregon Care Partners since its inception in 2014 providing classes about dementia, challenging behaviors, and communication.

For more information contact Laurie Russell at 541.757.9616.

This event is possible through the collaboration of Grace Center for Adult Day Services; Lumina Hospice & Palliative Care, Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments Family Caregiver Support Program, Samaritan Evergreen Hospice, Volunteer Caregivers