Grief is any reaction to a loss. We believe it is important to honor the experience of grief and find healthy ways to outwardly express it, a process known as mourning.
Grief does not look the same for any two people, and there is no formulaic timeline. Some people find they need more support immediately following a death, and others find they need more support in the years following a death. At Lumina, grief support is available to anyone in the community at no cost.
Support Programs
Lumina offers a variety of grief support programs so that everyone in the community has a safe place to explore and share their grief reactions.
Our grief support is offered free-of-charge to anyone in the community grieving the loss of a loved one, regardless of when, where, or how the death occurred, or connection to hospice.
To participate or learn more about what type of support may be right for you, contact our Bereavement Coordinator.
Counseling & Groups

Individual Support
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Our team offers individual consults and can provide access to grief support materials and resources, giving you the support that’s right for you.

Drop-In Grief Support Group
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Join a network of fellow grievers and explore a different topic each session guided by a grief support counselor. There is no commitment, just join us when you need support. Examples of topics: what is helpful and unhelpful in grief, listening to your instincts, how to outwardly express grief, and coping with grief during the holidays.

Family & Child Grief Support
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Lumina creates a safe place where all family members can explore, express, and learn about their grief by utilizing art, play, movement, and other tools to help children and parents find common ground in their loss, and to support each other.

Grief Education & Support Group Series
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Grief Education and Support Group is a structured group where participants commit to an eight-week series. Participants are with the same cohort for the eight weeks. Each session includes a presentation on a topic such as changes experienced in bereavement and practical tips on coping with grief, followed by group discussion and sharing of experiences.
Other Programs
Memorial Services
Lumina offers several memorial services each year. These services provide the community with an opportunity to honor and remember the lives of those who have died through action like lighting candles in their memory, reading their names aloud, and participating in a remembrance ceremony.

Community Grief Outreach and Education
Lumina supports the community at large by offering assistance to local schools, businesses, and faith-based organizations who are experiencing grief in their community. A grief support expert can offer specialized group counseling or training to help those in the community impacted by a death.

Book/Podcast Recommendations

Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations For Working Through Grief, by Martha Whitmore Hickman
This book provides a quote or anchoring thought and then a short paragraph about how this quote or thought pertains to grief. Grief often impacts our ability to concentrate—and these short passages seem to be just the right length. Easy to absorb and helpful in centering our swirl of thoughts and feelings in grief.

It’s OK That You’re Not OK: Meeting Grief and Loss in a Culture That Doesn’t Understand, by Megan Divine
Megan Devine comes at the grief experience from both sides: she is a therapist who also experienced profound grief after the accidental death of her partner. She challenges our cultural ideas about grief being something to overcome and suggests that instead we learn to accept grief as a companion. This is easy to read and very down to earth.

Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy, by Sheryl Sandberg
Cheryl Sandburg writes about the grief she experienced after the sudden death of her husband. She explores the ways that grief impacted her, and how she began to slowly find meaning in her life again. She frames this as “making the most out of Option B, even though what she really wanted was Option A.” It is a well-written book that examines the idea of resilience but also honors the impact of grief and loss.

Trailing Rainbows, by Bethany Jean
Bo has spent years planning the road trip of a life time with her mother, but when tragedy strikes she drops everything and everyone to begin the trip that will change everything. Chasing storms and trailing rainbows, Bo must discover her own reasons for living out life even during difficulty.
Grief Resources

Oregon Warmline – 1.800.698.2392
Connects anyone with a compassionate peer to listen and discover together how to make sense of life experiences.

Dougy Center
Provides support and training locally, nationally, and internationally to individuals and organizations seeking to assist children who are grieving.
Provides seminars, resources, online workshops, and grief educator certification training.

Refuge In Grief
Online community and resource that helps people survive some of the hardest experiences of their lives.

What’s Your Grief
Promotes grief education, exploration, and expression in both practical and creative ways.