Lumina’s Office is closed on Feb 17th in observance of Presidents Day. Staff are still available 24/7 for patients needs & can be reached at 541.757.9616 or 800-898-9616.

Hospice means more than care for the last few days

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

In a recent Boston Globe Opinion article, Joan Wickersham, a writer living in Massachusetts, shares her family’s experience with hospice care. Stories like Joan’s go a long way in helping patients and families understand the realities of hospice care, and in countering persistent misconceptions. Joan says, “We understand now that the word ‘hospice’ means more than just care for the last few days of life. My mother-in-law needed to be released from the futile round of hospitalization followed by rehab followed by more hospitalization. She wasn’t yet actively dying, but she was no longer fixable. She didn’t have much control left over anything. But she wanted a say in how and where she lived the rest of her life, and hospice allowed her to have it.”

To read more from the article, click here.