Lumina’s Office is closed on Feb 17th in observance of Presidents Day. Staff are still available 24/7 for patients needs & can be reached at 541.757.9616 or 800-898-9616.


As a community-based nonprofit, Lumina is committed to providing educational outreach to the community on a wide range of end-of-life topics through publications, seminars, public and private presentations, and other special events.

Illuminating Series

The Illuminating Series is a monthly seminar that takes place on the third Tuesday of each month featuring experts on various topics such as healthy aging, advance care planning, caregiving, grief and loss, and other end-of-life experiences. This series is a collaboration of nonprofit hospices across Oregon, known as ONHA.

View our past Illuminating Series:

The Role of Death Doulas

End-of-Life Choices

Advance Directives and Updated POLST

Our Illuminating Series is provided free-of-charge to anyone in the community thanks to the generous support of donors. If you have questions or would like to suggest a future topic for the Illuminating Series, contact our Community Engagement Coordinator.

Death Café

At a Death Café, people – often strangers – gather to drink tea, enjoy snacks, and discuss death. Everyone has an opportunity to share ideas, opinions, and questions about death in a supportive and safe environment.

There is no agenda. This is a discussion group, not a grief support or counseling session. This Death Café is led by Lumina Volunteer Coordinator Naomi Hirsch.

End-of-Life Planning

Lumina is here to help patients and families start conversations about end-of-life planning. The end stages of life can leave people with many emotions that are difficult to navigate. Being prepared for those stages can help relieve stress during an emotional time.

End-of-life planning means taking control of the dying process and making decisions that are important to the patient and their family.

Understanding The Dying Process

Dying is a sacred time in life, filled with meaning and important life tasks. Despite its inevitability, death is an unfamiliar process for most of us.

When a person is terminally ill, they often wonder, “What will it be like to die?” Caregivers often seek an understanding of what to expect and how to respond to the signs and symptoms that occur.

Every person is different and their path to death will be theirs to take. A better understanding of the dying process can help loved ones be better prepared to help with the transition to death.

Request A Speaker

Lumina is a community-grown nonprofit, providing compassionate care and support for individuals, families, and caregivers facing serious illness or end of life. Lumina provides educational outreach to the community on a wide range of end-of-life topics from hospice and palliative care to grief, caregiving, advance care planning, and more.

To request a presentation from Lumina, please contact us.




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