Aging: Services and Support — the 42nd Annual OSU Gerontology Conference takes place on April 4-5, 2018. This two-day conference, held at Oregon State University, will feature workshops by leading geriatric professionals presenting current information for health and human services occupations in a wide variety of disciplines.
Two speakers from Lumina will present at the conference. As a sponsor of the event, Lumina will have an informational booth during the conference.
Lumina’s Director of Clinical Innovations, Dr Helen Kao, will be make two presentations at the annual OSU Gerontology Conference on Thursday, April 5. Her first presentation will be about Elder Abuse. Her second presentation will be jointly with her UCSF colleague Dr Carla Perissinotto, Associate Professor of Geriatrics, to describe the population of homebound adults in the U.S. and available home-based care for the growing number of adults who are confined to home.
Lumina Board Member, Dr David Grube, will speak on Compassionate Care: Managing Life’s Closure with Grace, Curiosity, and Joy. Dying in America has become complicated and ‘medicalized’. David Grube will focus upon the situations and complications that may arise at the end of life and how we address them in creative ways.
Registration is open to professionals, as well as the general public.